Ethacridine lactate (Synonyms: Acrinol)

monolactate monohydrate (British Pharmacopoeia, 2005), also known as rivanol, has been used as a potent antimicrobial agent since the penicillin era and in various other antigen tests.

Additionally, it is a commonly used medication for pregnancy termination in the second trimester that is associated with the lowest complication rate. Ethacridine lactate as an abortifacient is safer and better tolerated than 20% hypertonic saline solution. The drug is official in the British Pharmacopoeia  and Martindale.

Literature review revealed that an HPLC method is reported for ethacridine lactate in human plasma [3] and an SP-HPLC method is developed. [4] No spectrophotometric method has been reported on ethacridine lactate in pharmaceutical form.

Therefore, the main objective of this work is to develop a simple, selective, accurate and precise spectrophotometric method for ethacridine lactate. The second objective is to validate the method according to ICH guidelines.


Ethacridine lactate (Acrinol) is a widely used antiseptic and abortifacient. Ethacridine lactate is effective against Staphylococcus aureus and other gram-positive cocci. Ethacridine lactate is also a poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG) inhibitor.

In this study four types fruit powder were mixed together in a 1:1 ratio and tableting was carried out by direct compaction method. Two types tablet were produced, normal mix fruit powder tablet and fruit powder effervescent tablet. Compressibility of the powder mixtures were observed by using Kawakita and Lüdde equation.