Pcrfy Stock Forecast
As of 2022 May 26, Thursday current price of PCRFY stock is 9.020$ and our data indicates that the asset price has been in a downtrend for the past 1 year (or since its inception).
Panasonic stock price has been showing a declining tendency so we believe that similar market segments were not very popular in the given period.
Our site uses a custom algorithm based on Deep Learning that helps our users to decide if PCRFY could be a good portfolio addition. These predictions take several variables into account such as volume changes, price changes, market cycles, similar stocks.
Future price of the stock is predicted at 16.732459054907$ (85.504% ) after a year according to our prediction system.
This means that if you invested $100 now, your current investment may be worth 185.504$ on 2023 May 26, Friday.
This means that this stock is suited as a new addition to your portfolio as trading bullish markets is always a lot easier.
Panasonic Holdings Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, develops, manufactures, sells, and services various electrical and electronic products worldwide. It operates through Appliances, Life Solutions, Connected Solutions, Automotive, and Industrial Solutions segments.
The Appliances segment offers air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, rice cookers, personal care products, TVs, digital cameras, video equipment, home audio equipment, fixed-phones, show cases, compressors, and fuel cells.
The Life Solutions segment provides lighting fixtures, lamps, wiring devices, solar photovoltaic systems, spatial sterilizing/deodorizing equipment, interior and exterior furnishing materials, ventilation and air conditioning equipment, air purifiers, bicycles, and nursing care related products, as well as kitchen and bath products.
The Connected Solutions segment offers aircraft in-flight entertainment systems and communications services, electronic component mounting machines, welding equipment, PCs and tablets, projectors, and professional AV systems, as well as solutions for various industries.
The Automotive segment provides automotive-use infotainment systems, head-up displays, automotive audio systems, automotive switches, vehicle camera modules, advanced driver assistance systems, automotive mirrors, and cylindrical and prismatic lithium-ion batteries, as well as devices and systems for electric automobiles.
The Industrial Solutions segment offers relays, switches, power supply products, industrial motors and sensors, capacitors, coils, resistors, electronic circuit board materials, semiconductors, and LCD panels, as well as small lithium-ion, dry, and micro batteries. The company was formerly known as Panasonic Corporation. Panasonic Holdings Corporation was founded in 1918 and is headquartered in Kadoma, Japan.